Telecommunication Computing
Electronics and Control

ISSN 1693-6930, e-ISSN 2302-9293

CiteScoreTracker 2021: 2.7
(Last updated on 05 January, 2022)

h-index: 23

Dear Researcher

We invite you to publish your latest research paper in TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control). TELKOMNIKA is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in collaboration with Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES). The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of electrical & electronics engineering and computer science. Its scope encompasses: The applications of Telecommunication, Computing, Electrical & Electronics, and Instrumentation & Control.

Want to find the latest reference?
You can visit TELKOMNIKA ARCHIVES to upgrade your knowledge for the research. The latest issues of TELKOMNIKA JOURNAL:
> Vol 19, No 6: December 2021
> Vol 20, No 1: February 2022
> Vol 20, No 2: April 2022 (On Going)

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Abstracting and Indexing: